spring, Bobby: Morel hunting is the WORST hunting I’ve been party to

the one thing I did find was my 1st tick-bite of the year

Not only is it plant hunting but … we found none. I took photos as I searched and went into the front creek after giving up. Bobby got to enjoy some swimmins when we got back to the house. -he swims 3,278 times a day in our ponds anyway but it’s always fresh for him!

Missouri Wildflowers -helps identify by colour

Basic (Missouri) Mushrooming -don’t miss several linked articles at bottom for related articles

Lichens of Lower Ozarks -for the serious wildcrafter, this is a paper by a member of MOBOT

Our Front Creek is part of the Big River Watershed -we’re in the nice, mixed-y-up area towards the bottom with the best variety of geo-formations

Videos as links to my flickr, below photos…


baby wild carrots

Bobby and Himses Pond (one of them)

methinks a fawn femur, given size

determined white oak roots clinging to the side of a ravine

mmm, shaley goodness

I’m crap at rock identification but I think the orange might be granite. Honestly, I took this for Cha0tic, whom I thought would like these two more colourful ones

sun! (reflexion)

purple hyacinths and Bobby on the wrong side of a fence

everything around here is tumbled down, it’s a very Ozarks sight

robust moss, less-so wild fern

fawn (reckon) vertebrae

unsure: tree ear fungus?

you can’t tell but this is 20 feet down a ravine where a bunch of our chat washed, which is also a common Ozarks phenomenon. Put 20 tonnes of chat on a road, next year 2/3 of it will be Elsewhere. #Incline

redbud blossoms

wee mandrake/ mayapples…they’ll grow up 10x this size or if you know what a full-grown plant looks like, this is at 1/10th

Bobby in full swim (about 15 feet deep where he’s crossing).

Front creek.

5 thoughts on “spring, Bobby: Morel hunting is the WORST hunting I’ve been party to

  1. I’m no expert, but that orange rock looks like a piece of brick or terracotta, maybe a roof tile. Some lovely pictures and I’ve spent some time reading the geology sites you’ve linked. I’d like to see Bobby swimming, but the links seem to be broken.


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