Christians and Pagans

This classic popped up on my MerryHoHoShuffle whilst writing notes to fly around the world in this dark time. It’ll grow lighter soon. We hope.

Particularly this year, with all that’s going on in the world…a funny song about commonality found within a broken family seems more hopeful than ever.

So mote it be, eh?


The Christians & The Pagans

Amber called her uncle

Said, “We’re up here for the holiday

Jane and I were having solstice

Now we need a place to stay”
And her Christ-loving uncle

Watched his wife hang Mary on a tree

He watched his son hang candy canes

All made with red dye number three
He told his niece, “It’s Christmas eve

I know our life is not your style”

She said, “Christmas is like solstice

And we miss you and it’s been awhile”
So the Christians and the pagans

Sat together at the table

Finding faith and common ground

The best that they were able
And just before the meal was served

Hands were held and prayers were said

Sending hope for peace on earth

To all their Gods and Goddesses

The Christians & The Pagans Lyrics

New! Tap highlighted lyrics to add Meanings, Special Memories, and Misheard Lyrics…

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Amber called her uncle

Said, “We’re up here for the holiday

Jane and I were having solstice

Now we need a place to stay”
And her Christ-loving uncle

Watched his wife hang Mary on a tree

He watched his son hang candy canes

All made with red dye number three
He told his niece, “It’s Christmas eve

I know our life is not your style”

She said, “Christmas is like solstice

And we miss you and it’s been awhile”
So the Christians and the pagans

Sat together at the table

Finding faith and common ground

The best that they were able
And just before the meal was served

Hands were held and prayers were said

Sending hope for peace on earth

To all their Gods and Goddesses

FEATURED VIDEO12 Hit Songs You Won’t Believe Were Passed Up By Other Artists

FEATURED VIDEO11 Delicious Misheard Lyrics About Food

The food was great, the tree plugged in

The meal had gone without a hitch

Till Timmy turned to Amber and said

“Is it true that you’re a witch?”
His mom jumped up and said

“The pies are burning,” and she hit the kitchen

And it was Jane who spoke, she said

“It’s true, because she’s not a Christian”
“But we love trees, we love the snow

The friends we have, the world we share

And you find magic from your God

And we find magic everywhere”
So the Christians and the pagans

Sat together at the table

Finding faith and common ground

The best that they were able
And where does magic come from?

I think magic’s in the learning

‘Cause now when Christians sit with pagans

Only pumpkin pies are burning
When Amber tried to do the dishes

Her aunt said, “Really no, don’t bother”

Amber’s uncle saw how Amber looked like

Tim and like her father
He thought about his brother

How they hadn’t spoken in a year

He thought he’d call him up and say

“It’s Christmas and your daughter’s here”
He thought of fathers, sons and brothers

Saw his own son tug his sleeve, saying

“Can I be a pagan?” dad said

“We’ll discuss it when they leave”
So the Christians and the pagans

Sat together at the table

Finding faith and common ground

The best that they were able
Lighting trees in darkness

Learning new ways from the old

And making sense of history

And drawing warmth out of the cold

belated drinking, I mean bday gift!

MY kind of bday:

The Extended Remix!

And there was me, not having had a drop of liquor today. -yet

It’s STILL party time; bday, full moon, Halloween and Day of the Dead rolling towards Thanksgiving (US) and Baby Bejeebers’ bday (observed).

There’s a lot to celebrate, this life!


9+ weeks til the 1st of the 12 Days of Christmas and counting

And I’m 6 wrapped prezzies into it. Feeling a bit shite for not having more done but I’m aware that I tend to be a bit ahead of most.

I like to have all shopping (minus perishables) done by 25 October, my bday and 2 months precisely before Baby Bejeebers’ (observed).

While that may sound odd, growing up so far away from civilisation and without a great deal of means, it was helpful to a) get ‘er done and b) spread out the expenses.

I have more wrapping but loathe it. I like to shop. I like to give but wrapping? No. Stoopid wrapping. 

As you can see, I treasure wrapping in reused brown paper. I do like ribbons. These are courtesy my mate Marty’s –well, before the cops shot him to death on his front lawn Dead Auntie. She passed and he had me sift through whatever I wanted to take away, which is a good mate. Remember that. I will.

how very of me

-part of removing all your belongings is when you put things back, you see things 

This was  ‘1/2 day’ (we’d knock off midday to go to the office Xmas Party but I always brought to work: booze, frivolity and a big smile–passing them out to coworkers throughout the morning. After that, the hooligans would go to a titty bar.

As a bonus for close-lookers, the reflection shows my tshirt, as I take this, with a pent. -HAR! Believing in everything with a solid foundation in Science saves bother.

Anyhoozles, I was aged 35 here. That’s about the last good year at that company. The next year, they made 100 humans redundant for Thanksgiving (good timing: long weekend meaning less chance of violent retribution) and then a month later, once the Xmas productions had shipped, they made another 50 humans redundant for Xmas break (again, handy timing).

We still partied but it was never the same. My 20 weeks’ unemployment is over this week. Paid in for 29 years, only drawing this year. Hard times aren’t so new to the Ozarks.

Good times aren’t either! Just as mammy always said:

We didn’t have anything, so we made our own fun.

less than 6 weeks of shopping left for the Princess of all Princesses…

And that makes 14 weeks for Baby Bejeebers.’

But MORE IMPORTANTLY my birthday is coming up and it’s way more celebrated. Well, I get more drunk on my bday than on Baby Bejeebers’ but in fairness, I get fairly drunk more regularly during the Christunnukah season. For those playing the home-game, Chanukah is ‘early’ this year but not so early as to be Thanksgivukkah.

Oh, shit! I forgot to blog: It’s Ace’s Birthday today (observed).

Happy Bone-day!


Capitol Calling

I really want to get to DC. I’ve never been. And you know who lives in DC…

I was looking at times to go or not and October sounds FANTASTIC, also because my birthday is in October and I can call it a Celebration. One of the issues with me and travelling is I actually like travelling companions but nobody I know wants to go wherever I want to go or they’d like to go but don’t have money.

I don’t make enough money to pay others’ ways or I’d have an entourage and go wherever and whenever, right? Am I right?

One great thing is I never have to be concerned about dining out since I can’t dine out.

One thing I need to be concerned with is I imagine EVERYTHING there (museums) are going to cost me. That probably sounds ridiculous but our nearest city is St. Louis, home of the free museums and zoo, etc. We pay higher taxes so that cultural venues are free to the public. Cos we’re the Midwest and NICE.


I always have to consider that since I’m not used to thinking about it, choose what things to do, etc. I’m sure just walking about the Capitol should be free, of course! I would like to see some of the Smithsonian. I understand it would take 2 weeks to view it all–at a steady march. I’ll have to look into something about that!

GOF makes a fine tourist agent for Cairns!

Whee! After no post for three days, -when it otherwise would’ve ran but for weather  I’m getting stuff again. Got my Netflix DVD, junk mail, a calendar I’d ordered for Spike and a big, fat envelope from Australia!

It’s stuffed full of brochures for local attractions and two neato-bandito ticket stubs from their visit to the Historic Park. Go see posts about the Cairns area here. He does lots of lovely photos and describes the places they day-trip to, though they live in a rainforest nearby and you’ll see photo of their nursery and home, as well.


20140110-085510.jpgAnd seriously, with 3 days delay, this only took 10 days to get here? That’s only 7 days travel from WAY OVER YONDER!

Thanks, Mr. GOF! When I win lotto and / or get myself a few thousand dollars for travel, I really do want to visit Australia. The problem is it’s so BIG that you need a long time and ‘extra’ money to jump from part to part. I mean, I could just move there for a few years, I suppose…


Guinness or whiskey or…

An oldie and wrong holiday but I’m rounding up some friends for what we call the Christmas Hootinanny the 23rd.

I’ll have plenty to drink and eat but you’re expected to play an instrument or at least sing-song whilst those of us playing -poorly are giving it a jolly try.


-thanks to drude for sharing this!


Colorado Trip Photos

'I sleeps wiff it under my schnoozle'

‘I sleeps wiff it under my schnoozle’

Like all the children (my elderly toddlers, the nieces3…), Bobby got a gift, too. The gifts had virtually nothing to do with the trip because they’ve never been into the tshirts I bought in the past. They’re also not into the postcards I send but I can’t help myself. I get them some kind of tchotchkes because who doesn’t like a piece of crap? Bobby likes Hedgehog. It squeaks!

I mention this as it came frokindergarten teacher and LRm IKEA. I’ve had a desire to visit one for years. The nearest to me are both over 800mi away. I got to meet up with my kindergarten teacher who moved out west about 30 years ago! Most people (I’m told) don’t keep acquaintance with their k-teacher. We did via Christmas cards 🙂 She rang and asked if I wanted to go to IKEA cos she had some things to pick up. I finally got to go! On the downside, I saw very little. She brought her grandson who was sweet but who also climbed on and deconstructed every display that he could, while she shopped, obliviously. He wasn’t mean about it, just very ‘free.’ You know it’s bad with IKEA staff keep walking up to me asking, ‘Is everything alright?’ I didn’t feel comfortable saying, ‘He’s NOT mine.’ I was worried for his safety; he’d climb above my shoulder level on crap!

Previously, I posted about my house arrest and then the attempted scam. It wasn’t a normal holiday for certain; however, I did win two afternoon-get-outta-jails!

Here they come!

That’s Golden and Buffalo Bill’s Gravesite and Museum. Click on individual photos for captions and to view larger. It’s about 30 minutes to Golden, we spent about an hour there and then 30 minutes ‘home.’

Mt. Evans (including poor shot of Echo Lake at bottom and rainbow as we were leaving!). Again, clicky-clicky for biggie. This was longer. It took about 1 hour to get there, one hour to drive up and one hour to return.

DIA June 2013 Tornado, obviously doctored a bit - not by me

DIA June 2013 Tornado, obviously doctored a bit – not by me

Homie Laurie sent this shot of the tornado at DIA that hit while I was on a plane trying to takeoff. see ‘C’ and watch the bedtime story if you’re that mental or bored or desire becoming mental and bored

As stated to friends, family and in that bedtime story: They don’t know from tornadoes in Colorado. I finally looked it up: there were winds at 97mph. It’s official, as this news article explains. Read on, McDuff. -yeah, I did it, sorry Bill Best quote?

Asked whether he was nervous when he spotted the funnel cloud, he shrugged. “No, I’m from Missouri.”

THAT’S RIGHT, BITCHES! It’s not just me being a hardarse-hillbilly. There’s no such thing. We just think all of y’all are pussies. Har!