
This is funny cos:

  • This woman was a member of the writing group I started in 2006 that ran til I bailed in 2012
  • This woman was raised in a HYPER religious family who later came out as lesbian and had to bail on their church
  • I ‘misunderstood’ her proverb to be as if she’s writing Ptoverbs

See how funny I am?

It’s also hilarious because the person to comment above me is her hyper-religious mum.

Makes N’s declaration of love for me all the more understandable.

Plus, I’m super-lovable. OBVI

metablogging: where it’s at

Per WP’s Year end summary, RealMeWP (not the actual name) is wildly popular compared to this dog and pony show. The funny thing is I don’t post anything there. Those posts are OLD and unattended. Well, except I got in there last night and approved a comment and trashed the rude ones, waiting to be approved. DENIED!


Maybe it’s because it uses a real name and people like that. It’s not that I’m more creative or clever there (or was, since it’s abandoned) because I’m the author of them all.

Guess it’s content.

Having virtually only mobile on-line access has deeply dampened my blogging and other social networking. I get to a wifi cafe now and then but given there’s 4 places within 30 miles of home for that–and sometimes the wifi is out–it’s just harder to do. 


FAO GOF, how far away is…

The Mississippi River (and Illinois–the state–is on the other side of it).

Bear in mind GOFy, me lad, CHItown is in northern Illinois. It’ll take about 4 hours to get there, not counting that obnoxious orange construction cone they placed mid-way. I’m the blue dot, driving along the blue line to the red ‘pin’ drop.


On the way to Chicago, there are various routes but I’d probably use the JB Bridge, which isn’t very long. It’s just 1.2km across to Illinois.

PS: I don’t live in these towns but I used to live in House Springs as a teen:)

Also: ‘as the crow flies’ means directly, like a rule-line on a map, not counting going up and down hills or around springs, farms or long horned beef.

I ain’t movin’. Herb? You movin’ for that Hillbilly?’


following comments, response

I was asked how comments could be followed on my blog. I went to check settings (because I couldn’t recall how I had it set up!) and found this should be an option when you LEAVE A COMMENT.Screen Shot 2014-05-05 at 8.22.05 AM




That’s my understanding from how it’s shown under settings. Different blog work different ways and of course settings can be on or off. I believe this means it’s necessary (sorry) to tick ‘follow comments’ as you leave a message if you’re not a blog user.

Since I’m a user, I have a notifications stream that alerts me to any ‘discussions’ on the site, therefore I don’t know anything unless they tell me 🙂

in response to our AussieEmJay, metablogging

I wrote such a freaking long reply to her comment on my last post that I thought I’d put it here — as it’s metablogging about Vox, in particular.

And what a fab 7 you are!

You may not recall but I self-ejected from Vox a bit before they officially shutdown because I could see it coming after they hit like #8 on my list of ‘this is what a failing blog service looks like’ list. I’ve lost 3 blogs to ventures that just plain shutdown without warning. You won’t believe it but THIS time (RealMe to MT) is the first that I’ve migrated!!! When you’ve lost years of posts THREE TIMES over, you kinda go, ‘Meh, okay.’ Granted, the first time, I probably laid in bed and cried. ;p

Anyway, I could’ve done without moving these over but it was so EASY with WP to do it, it seemed kinda silly not to do it.

Your story of why you started reminded me of why I started at Vox. I had been completely offline for 6 months due to an IRL stalker (police detectives told me to shut down EVERYTHING IRL or online — like don’t go to anything normal, change routes, always keep an aggressive posture in public and kept eyes UP and head rotating to always take in 360, etc.). After 6 months of being under house arrest, I poked my head into the blogaphere again — under a pseudonym. I’d always used them before but I’d never heard of Vox before. I found something that wasn’t popular (it was new-ish, at least in 2006 when I started MT there) and immediately fell in love with the community. Anyway, later in 2006, I got on FB and right away THREE people were there. I was like, ‘What’s the big deal?’ But hardly any non-kids were there yet in 2006! About a year later, that really exploded. I still preferred Vox ;p

Vox was special.


Leaving RealMe behind, I’ve gone from a couple hundred readers to what looks like SEVEN. -HAR!

I’d never given up MT, continued a-tweeting but couldn’t handle 2 blogs when The Duchess dropped dead -she was resuscitated the second time. That took up about half the time I’ve been not blogging on MT and the other half was simply habit. Now that I’ve given RealMe the deep cover (moved posts here and shuttered that as private but even I won’t be using it–I didn’t delete it for one reason: it would retire my real name from ever being used…maybe when I win the lotto I won’t mind who knows my name as I won’t be looking to get a job?!).

Anyhoozles. It’s a drastic drop!


GOF makes a fine tourist agent for Cairns!

Whee! After no post for three days, -when it otherwise would’ve ran but for weather  I’m getting stuff again. Got my Netflix DVD, junk mail, a calendar I’d ordered for Spike and a big, fat envelope from Australia!

It’s stuffed full of brochures for local attractions and two neato-bandito ticket stubs from their visit to the Historic Park. Go see posts about the Cairns area here. He does lots of lovely photos and describes the places they day-trip to, though they live in a rainforest nearby and you’ll see photo of their nursery and home, as well.


20140110-085510.jpgAnd seriously, with 3 days delay, this only took 10 days to get here? That’s only 7 days travel from WAY OVER YONDER!

Thanks, Mr. GOF! When I win lotto and / or get myself a few thousand dollars for travel, I really do want to visit Australia. The problem is it’s so BIG that you need a long time and ‘extra’ money to jump from part to part. I mean, I could just move there for a few years, I suppose…


postcards: ASIA! Kuala Lumpur

kuala lumpur postcard.jpgOur intrepid traveller, John (of Antarctic Traipsing* Fame) has provided yet another continent: Asia. Malaysia to be specific.

Fan-damned-tastic for my greedy postcard collection!

The architecture/decor is something else. See his blog for more adventure.

KL partie 1

KL partie 2

KL partie 3

KL partie 4

Thanks, again, John!

* Which begins here. It’s well worth (when you have time because it’s its own documentary, replete with photos and personal observations and some geeky goodness) the time spent reading every entry of a very rare vacation.

meta me not meme but moi-me (and Mac)

Gosh, you guys! I had zillions of readers yesterday and all I said was that I had the ick!

Thanks to all who sent well-wishes. I’m SO much better today, it’s crazy. (of course, I had it since Saturday, so ya know)

The real news is mon singe-mince (with all that London Marathon training) is getting hitched today to his long-time love. I shall drink their health! I encourage everybody to go throw money at the charity he’s running to support (a condition he lives with, as well). Good on them!

Hopefully, afterward, at the Elks Lodge or V.F.W. (where all the wedding receptions occur in my region), he gets some dancing action ON.