15 years ago

Sister Had Been Drinking.

FS hadn’t. She’s always happy to enjoy my drinking. She says that I’m a high functioning drunk but that’s only respective of my size and how much. In other words, ohhhhhhhh, I’m a mess. Brother took this, too. A family that drinks together…bails each other out?

 -note my signature blonde chunk in the front. I’ve been flashing that off and on for 30-odd years

how very of me

-part of removing all your belongings is when you put things back, you see things 

This was  ‘1/2 day’ (we’d knock off midday to go to the office Xmas Party but I always brought to work: booze, frivolity and a big smile–passing them out to coworkers throughout the morning. After that, the hooligans would go to a titty bar.

As a bonus for close-lookers, the reflection shows my tshirt, as I take this, with a pent. -HAR! Believing in everything with a solid foundation in Science saves bother.

Anyhoozles, I was aged 35 here. That’s about the last good year at that company. The next year, they made 100 humans redundant for Thanksgiving (good timing: long weekend meaning less chance of violent retribution) and then a month later, once the Xmas productions had shipped, they made another 50 humans redundant for Xmas break (again, handy timing).

We still partied but it was never the same. My 20 weeks’ unemployment is over this week. Paid in for 29 years, only drawing this year. Hard times aren’t so new to the Ozarks.

Good times aren’t either! Just as mammy always said:

We didn’t have anything, so we made our own fun.

Happy Times (old photos)

Pardon the shittiest pics ever. Not only were they snapshots to begin with, I took a SNAPSHOT of these old printed snapshots. MMM…grainy!




It’s GdD’s first halloween! She was a pea pod, duh! That’s FS’s birth-sister holding her.





LR Webster graduation with Paddy and Gram, 1994

LR Webster graduation with Paddy and Gram, 1994

Me? I don’t have a problem with my height. Paddy (a kid I grew up with since we were infants; his drunk-arsed dad poured our basement, which is supposed to be 20″ deep to code and is 2″ — HAR!) is 6’4″. Yeah? Well, I’m 7′ now!

As a bonus, which pricked my heart so intensely, who is behind Paddy? Gram. ::huge sniffs:: Gram got to see me graduate. I didn’t study the Law, as she wanted (btw, nobody paid my way, hence choosing Psych/History/French/Oh, shite…what’s something useful? Film/Photography) but she’s there in a blue skirt suit! HAR!

Godmother and LR, 1996

Godmother and LR, 1996


Unlike most people, I had two Godmothers. The real/legit one and the one who was Sicilian and when a Sicilian of her family claimed you as a godchild, you were Her Goddaughter. And nobody’d better say boo.

We didn’t say boo but this is my real/legit Godmother. I love the fact that you see how much she loves me in this photo! I’m officially The Worst Goddaughter Ever because I haven’t even seen her in a few years (well, maybe 2?) and she’s only 90 minutes away (one-way). I suck. I love her.

She has this quirk where you cannot get in and out quickly. I’m highly scheduled and live 90 minutes away. I can absolutely meet her (and my Godfather, who’s grand — they have no children, btw, so I suck all the more…they DO HAVE a favourite niece, who they prefer over me, so they have somebody) for supper! That means like an hour, maybe two? Try 6 and then another hour of being dragged over coals for leaving ‘so soon.’ Ugh. Just saying. I LOVE HER. I truly do. If you do guilt trips, I tend to hide. I’m half-Irish and half-Jewess. It’s in-built. I don’t need external. Thanks.

So! I don’t visit as I should. And it’s too bad because I miss them! Oh, and phone’s the same way. I can’t talk on the phone with you for 4 hours if you’re my godmother. We have THAT in common. Her far-right political stance and why-aren’t-you-married thing grates after we’ve worn out the first 45 minutes of polite conversation. I’m an ahole. I own it.

happtime screen saver from 'Dead Like Me'

happtime screen saver from ‘Dead Like Me’

While I’m completely Unnecessary at my job (this is why I’ve been gone from here…it’s a story I don’t really want to think about, I’m dealing and tweeting a bit — yet all that’s going on is why I made time to find Happy Time Photos), it’s hard to believe that I used to have three assistants! I’m the Worst Head/Lead in the world, too. If you won’t come into work or do your work? I have no idea what to do with you. You know when you hear a teacher say, ‘It’s not my job to entertain them. It’s not my job to inspire. I’m a TEACHER.’  *

Apply that as my Management style. Get It Done and Leave Me Alone…unless you want to go out drinking later.

LR and assistant, STPD, 2000

LR and assistant, STPD, 2000


That’s St. Patrick’s Day in Turtle Park near Dogtown, St. Louis? MAN WAS SHE DRUNK. I’m speaking of my assistant, not myself, of course.


*I taught secondary school for two years; one in a high-class French lycée and one in my poverty-class home district in the US, where about 1/3 of my students were at-risk, whether due to behaviour/home life or various disabilities, the other 2/3 were ‘general population’. I never said or thought the above! I am there to inspire! I am there to design individual lessons for students to help them get better, learn more and find confidence, bitches! And as an aside to this digression, don’t anybody tell me to go back to teaching. I taught BEFORE No Child Left Behind and I don’t wish to be a part of that ‘education system’.

Badges? We don’t need no stinking… (look how old I am!)

I was looking through my record collection (that is to say, the vinyl that I still own, which is to say the shite cos I left these in the barn… the good stuff, I gave away because I re-purchased it in digital… duh) and found some old badges from when I used to set up sound systems and loaded cameras (back when a Photographer needed another pair of hands to crank the film roll into the case of a second camera, so he wouldn’t miss a shot).

badge winter 1990 Blonde and black hair dye, painted-on dark eyebrows, which I think now was a mistake...

badge winter 1990
Blonde and black hair dye, painted-on dark eyebrows, which I think now was a mistake…

badge spring 1991 Warmer weather and Jew fro better contained

badge spring 1991
Warmer weather and Jew fro better contained











badge winter 1991 Black hair dye mostly grown out  Jew Fro-straightening failure

badge winter 1991
Black hair dye mostly grown out
Jew Fro-straightening failure










badge spring 1992 Long, harsh winter Paler skin but look! Fringe! Jew fro partially contained

badge spring 1992
Long, harsh winter
Paler skin but look! Fringe! Jew fro partially contained

badge summer 1992 Rained on my walk to the cop shop for badge-makery. This was not a mullet, just wet scalp and Jew fro Unfortunate Weather Event

badge summer 1992
Rained on my walk to the cop shop for badge-makery. This was not a mullet, just wet scalp and Jew fro Unfortunate Weather Event









I also found a library card from the next year. My hair was again dyed black yet I’d ‘rolled’ it around my temples, finishing in a bun in back. They were using the State of The Art Digital Imaging of the day. Looks like crap. I always said ‘Boy, can you see the immigrant in that photo!’

Refugee's grandchild

Refugee’s grandchild

refugee antique vignette filter

refugee antique vignette filter

For ‘fun,’ I ran it through the ‘antique’ filter on Photo FX Studio.

That’s not 1893 but 1993! Not wearing makeup was also a mistake.

Bear in mind, all of these photos were snapped using my phone pointing at OLD badges covered in laminated plastic. Sorry for the blur and all but they don’t look very good in person, either. And I’m not talking about the subject.