Thralled to GoT

Anybody else watching? Anybody else actually read it?


This series (3) was pissing me off…til this week! I understand the books are insanely-long and have 5,327 characters (therefore could use a little off, from above the ears) but the first two epis were cack.

The third? You know why it was great? Actual dialogue from the novels. Story (pretty much) sticking to the novels.

Alright. I’ll geek up someplace else. (not really, there’s more geekery below) I had to get that off my chest!

(‘the fourth one?’)

4 thoughts on “Thralled to GoT

  1. I agree. I thought this most recent episode was the best so far this season.

    I know the show runners must feel the need to re-establish where everyone is during the first episode or two, but when you only have 10 or 11 per season, that gets to be a pretty big chunk!


    • Lily says:

      It’s both I interesting and irritating to see the changes in story but I try to enjoy them as it provides some mystery.


  2. I read the first three books. I really loved No. one. No. two I liked, but not as much and by Book three I was totally annoyed.
    Martin started out with so many cool ideas and then just meandered way off on so many tangents that he lost ALL of the great ideas.
    I almost never give up on a series, but my daughter read books four and five and told me not to bother.
    I am enjoying the show, but I try not to think about the books. Lol.


    • Lily says:

      Oh, really?! I’ve got book 5 and haven’t started it yet because 6 & 7 isn’t out yet and I’m afraid I’ll cry til they are!

      I hadn’t known what was going on (in Martin’s world) but I ended I guess 4 (or was it 3?) and he had a statement that said he hadn’t forgotten about several characters; the book he’d written was SO MUCH LONGER than previous, the publisher made him chop it in half. Instead of ‘just’ chopping it mid-way into 2 books, he opted to SEPARATE out the threads, to focus one on a certain set of characters and the other on the rest. Personally, I think that’s mishagas but whatcha gonna do? I was disappointed towards the beginning of whichever one started the separation (believe it was THREE, now I’m thinking about it) but when I learned that’s what was going on, I was more prepared for the massive shift in the next.

      Again, I haven’t started 5 yet (unless I’m confused again — srsly, why do I bother trying to remember which is which when I can’t find my car at the grocery store?).

      I’m reading ‘One of Our Submarines’ now and it’s intersting but not where I gobble 1500 pages in a week, like I did 2 or 3.


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