I’m going to be critical about family, part 871

My eldest blood niece went to her first job interview yesterday. That’s all well and good. It’s for a fast food restaurant. That’s pretty common.

When I was her age I was interviewing to work for the French government.

I realize that most kids (except the working class) are not doing work at age 15 that comes with a pay check where taxes are taken out and they are paying into Social Security. –though at that age, you get your taxes basically back

I also realize most kids are not raised on working farms or ranches where you a) don’t get a day off b) not even for the worst possible weather c) don’t get paid and d) it’s HARD WORK where bruises, bleeding requiring sutures, callouses, and possibly your life in endangered.

My perspective of what a kid can do is probably different than most because I not only lived it but came from an area where it was normal.

-where was I?

#1niece needs a fucking job. I don’t care if it’s part-time, she is entering the world with less EQ, work ethic, and basic freaking PROWESS than she needs to do.

Teaching your kids how to cook, clean, and do some basic life skills shite isn’t cruel. And I don’t think a …I can’t even think if the word, hang on… ALLOWANCE is acceptable.

You can pay them and I support THAT. They need to learn how to pay for things and then realize they’re fucked cos they bought a purse and now have to wear an old (used) dress to a dance. Did I do that? Nope. Didn’t go to dances. Who could afford it? I don’t think you GET these things by the merit of everyone else does it.

I do believe in over-paying a kid to do something to EARN a desired item/ opportunity.


I’m willing to pay a 14 yo $50 for a good hour’s sweeping. But I want that floor clean. I could pay an adult that and it would be guaranteed well-done. A kid? You have to teach them (I already knew as a kid but these fuckers haven’t had to do anything so, they know nothing…and again, I never got paid).

At least, I taught the eldest two some responsibility before their mother sashayed back in once the hard work was done and she could control the rest of their lives.

I say control because that’s what she does. She does not teach them but has them play-act and pose to her whim. Really. The youngest, inworry the most for but now the eldest is properly seated in her 20s, she is going to have to start where most kids started at age 16. Shame.

I’m grouchy.

It’s honestly not because I know my way is better (I would not have expected from them what was me but they would have learned some great life skills that would have made transitioning easier). I don’t have the best way but I have a better way. It’s not for me, either; it’s for them.

I like it when you talk to me

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