Last year’s Blood Panels (‘physical’)

Dug this out because it’s getting close to the time I get my yearly physical and next week, I’ll see my first cardiologist!

(I had no idea that I’m 5th generation (at least) heart disease!  I’ll meet / greet this dude and see if he sends me for only blood panels or if a stress test is indicated.)

I’ve always had low to normal blood pressure.

I’ve always had ‘sticky blood’ (while I didn’t know heart disease, I knew we had high cholesterol…maybe I’m dumb and didn’t know one equalled the other or maybe that’s not the case — I’m learning, this is new!).

Last year’s blood panels were not only the best I’d seen in my life but they were EXCELLENT for anybody. I was so freaking proud!

Previously, I was vegetarian (ate meat once a month) for over 16 years. When I started lifting, I couldn’t get enough protein without abusing processed protein sources. I wanted real food and I was trying to get about 1g per pound I weighed. I switched back to eating meat (boy, was that a tough 3 week adjustment on my system!).

I’ve been eating atrociously for over a month and fat packs on quickly when eating ice cream and Earth Balance on gluten-free crackers by the bag as meals. I’m wondering how it’ll compare to last year?

Blood sugar: (after 18 hour fast) normal

Cholesterol: (s/b less than 200) 177 mg/dl

HDL (s/b greater than 45) 48

LDL (s/b less than 130) 118

Triglyceride (s/b less than 150) 57

If I’m like this, I’ll be so happy! I can’t run anymore (ever). Last year, I was running regularly (although not far but frequently) and swinging kettlebells…

My blood pressure a week or so ago was the highest I’ve ever seen: 117/ 73. I realize that falls into ‘normal’ for most people but mine is usually 107/65.  Basically, not only do I want to see SuperStar numbers for myself but I’m completely insane and want to impress this cardiologist I’ve never met. Talk about theCrazy? Me poor brain…