that ain’t too peachy!

tent caterpillar egg sac peach tree

What I believe to be a tent caterpillar egg sac. It’s hard to tell for sure as I’m far from expert. They’re HARD. I pried off about 50 by hand. Unfortunately, I chucked them on the ground, believing that would be good enough. Then, I started googling known peach tree pestilence and it appears they can only be…

KILLED WITH FIRE. Seriously! They said I should’ve put them in something and burned them all to hell.

Granted, it could be a different pest, like some of the borers. I don’t believe that is so as this poor tree has be defoliated several of its years, not bored.

We don’t like using commercial pesticides when we can do things manually or even put off bugs with baby powder (you’d be surprised but powdered sulfur and baby powder can work – they come right off, though). The old soap and / or pepper has less impressive results. Obviously, de-saccing by hand was a drag and there are more that I cannot reach.

I’ll have to watch it and may use some soap/ oil mixture to suffocate them. Probably make them stronger…Boo!