Is that a roll of donettes in your pocket?


roll of donettes

donettes 2

donette in woman’s hand for scale

Walking through customer service, the factory boss is waiting to talk to a rep.

He dips his hand into his shirt pocket and whips out…


A 6-pack roll of donettes! That’s a large prop to pop out of your pocket, like a magician! And who keeps doughnuts in pockets? I thought it was the grandest thing ever.


6 thoughts on “Is that a roll of donettes in your pocket?

  1. loveyangels says:

    Oh Lord, something else to try. I think I’ll try to keep my eyes away from those. Today I stocked up on groceries just in case the weather is really bad. We’re supposed to get maybe ice or snow. So of course I bought chocolate & healthy things like that. 🙂 I hope all is well with you. Sending love and hugs, Laurie


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