Wah! I’m transmuting.

who's paler than a blonde with blue eyes? Her grey and gold eyed, ginger daughter

who’s paler than a blonde with blue eyes? Her grey and gold eyed, ginger daughter

Everybody has made fun of how pale / blinding in the sun / white / Irish I am my entire life.

Of course I have freckles and I’ve worn DAILY sun protectant since the 80s. Back when they first started selling it (not tan accelerator but BLOCK), it was in the denomination of 4. Practically not worth using but I still used it! Shortly after, they offered 8 and then 12 and as soon as they offered (15 and 30, then 45, 55 and finally 100+) higher, I’d buy it!


getting old, yo

I use moisturiser with SPF and makeup with SPF. I’m all over it, yo. I cannot imagine how much worse it would be had I not. I didn’t realise how ‘bad’ it had gotten but damn.