Last year’s Blood Panels (‘physical’)

Dug this out because it’s getting close to the time I get my yearly physical and next week, I’ll see my first cardiologist!

(I had no idea that I’m 5th generation (at least) heart disease!  I’ll meet / greet this dude and see if he sends me for only blood panels or if a stress test is indicated.)

I’ve always had low to normal blood pressure.

I’ve always had ‘sticky blood’ (while I didn’t know heart disease, I knew we had high cholesterol…maybe I’m dumb and didn’t know one equalled the other or maybe that’s not the case — I’m learning, this is new!).

Last year’s blood panels were not only the best I’d seen in my life but they were EXCELLENT for anybody. I was so freaking proud!

Previously, I was vegetarian (ate meat once a month) for over 16 years. When I started lifting, I couldn’t get enough protein without abusing processed protein sources. I wanted real food and I was trying to get about 1g per pound I weighed. I switched back to eating meat (boy, was that a tough 3 week adjustment on my system!).

I’ve been eating atrociously for over a month and fat packs on quickly when eating ice cream and Earth Balance on gluten-free crackers by the bag as meals. I’m wondering how it’ll compare to last year?

Blood sugar: (after 18 hour fast) normal

Cholesterol: (s/b less than 200) 177 mg/dl

HDL (s/b greater than 45) 48

LDL (s/b less than 130) 118

Triglyceride (s/b less than 150) 57

If I’m like this, I’ll be so happy! I can’t run anymore (ever). Last year, I was running regularly (although not far but frequently) and swinging kettlebells…

My blood pressure a week or so ago was the highest I’ve ever seen: 117/ 73. I realize that falls into ‘normal’ for most people but mine is usually 107/65.  Basically, not only do I want to see SuperStar numbers for myself but I’m completely insane and want to impress this cardiologist I’ve never met. Talk about theCrazy? Me poor brain…

4 thoughts on “Last year’s Blood Panels (‘physical’)

  1. Hello there! Gosh, I’ve been so out of the loop, I figured I would at least read the blog you posted today. Good luck with your blood tests. I look forward to my yearly check up. I never think to ask my doc for the exact numbers. She always just tells me if it is good or not. I know my LDL is a little high but my ratio is so fantastic, its ok (she thinks its just my personal normal).

    And I totally feel you on the running. What have you been doing lately? I know you have that app for your phone. What is it called again? I need to find a new routine. I just got Brazillian Butt Lift and it looks awesome! But I joined the gym in October and want to get my moneys worth so I was thinking for the next few weeks, I would alternate days at the gym: Stationary Bike and Body Pump. The boot is off my foot and it feels pretty good except for some weird soreness in my arch (from not being used). I don’t plan on running for a while until its all better!

    Wow, long comment. Miss you!
    PS. Still haven’t mailed your stuff so don’t think its lost. LoL. Haven’t had time to get to the Post Office!


    • Lily says:

      I’m so happy you got the boot off. It’s LITERALLY a drag, dragging it behind. Ugh.

      Sorry about the arch — I know you’ve paid a million bucks for fancy shoes but I wonder if custom inserts (not from Dr. Scholl’s ;p ) would help? Cos ya know, you’ve got the issue and when you have an issue, the rest of you tries to compensate? It’s always the way, isn’t it? Boo!

      You Are Your Own Gym (YAYOG, in sidebar tag cloud) is the app. TWO FREAKING DOLLARS. Awesome. I mean, some stuff I can do easily and others are very challenging. Also, now that I’m past recovery from the third outpatient thing, I’m commencing the PT-directed kettlebells (nothing overhead, nothing over 10lb — where I used to use 35lb) and I got that Pilates Reformer, which is an amazing workout.

      Basically: use my Reformer, use my baby bells, use YAYOG (which is bodyweight exercise program based upon elite military force training — usually only men do it!).

      Thanks for leaving the nice comment–the longer the better 🙂 It’s a convo, ya know! Our postal service is so poor, I never ‘expect’ anything. Just ask Sheila above. My bday present from her finally came to her with a ‘we can’t find her’ ;p


  2. Sheila says:

    Awesome LDL and Triglycerides! Whoohoo! Like me though, I’d like to see that HDL higher. I’m the same, my numbers are almost exactly yours. My HDL is lower than I’d like. You done good!


    • Lily says:

      This was LAST YEAR’S.

      Normally, I’d go in for a physical in December to the GP but since I’m getting my own cardiologist (appointment for consultation is next week), I *assume* he’ll call for blood panels, stress test or whatever. So, I was bringing this forward cos I should have the comparison for NOW soon. 🙂


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